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作者:殷培杰; 李培军  文章来源:生态学报, Acta Ecologica Sinica,2007年 02期  点击数  更新时间:2007/5/9 12:27:13  文章录入:anny  责任编辑:anny

摘要 生态修复是在受污染土壤所在的区域环境条件下,以土壤生态系统自净能力为基础耦合其它修复技术,达到修复高效、安全和可靠的目的。以POPs污染土壤为例,总结了污染土壤生态修复的4个原则,分析了生态修复过程,对修复目标确立,修复过程控制,修复结果评估做了探讨。在分析耦合概念和生态修复过程的基础上,认为修复技术的耦合过程是生态修复的关键,总结了生态修复中的耦合原则、耦合策略和耦合方式。展望了生态修复的发展趋势和研究方向。

Because of the risk of POPs pollution,it is necessary to apply effectiveness,low-cost and safe remediation methods.Neither bio-remediation nor combined remediation is enough to achieve such goals;therefore concept of eco-remediation emerged.Eco-remediation couples self-decontamination by ecosystem within the pollution area as well as enhanced remediation.Taking POPs-polluted soil as an example,this paper summarizes four principles of eco-remediation:(1) self-decontamination by ecosystem within pollution are...

关键词  持久性有机污染物; 生态修复; 耦合

全文下载 生态修复过程中的若干问题_以POPs污染土壤为例.pdf

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