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作者:佚名  文章来源:人民网  点击数  更新时间:2005/4/18 9:27:30  文章录入:eedu  责任编辑:eedu



  Environmental Defense is a leading national nonprofitorganizationheadquartered in the US, representing more than400,000 mrs.


  Since its founding in 1967, Environmental Defense haslinkedscience, economics, law and innovative private-sectorpartnershipsto create innovative, equitable, and cost-effectivebreakthroughsolutions to the most serious environmentalproblems.


  Environmental Defense is dedicated to protecting theenvironmentalcenters of all people, including future generations.Among thesecenters are clean air and water, healthy and nourishingfood, and aflourishing ecosystem. Enjoying the largest staff ofPh.D.scientists and economists of any environmental advocacygroup, wehave developed ways to help the environment that actuallybenefitthe economy. Increasingly we work directly with business,governmentand community groups to forge solutions that make senseforeveryone.


  In the past, Environmental Defense helped launch themodernenvironmental movement by winning a ban on the persistentpesticideDDT. Environmental Defense has also had very broadexperience inthe creation of market-based instruments for solutionsto a rangeof environmental problems, such as stratospheric ozonedepletion,acid rain and urban smog. Our emissions trading concepthas becomethe centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, eightof theworlds largest corporations have joined with EnvironmentalDefensein making commitments to reduce their own emissions ofgreenhousegases. We also persuaded McDonalds to replace bulkyfoam-plastichamburger boxes, helped curb antibiotic use in animalsfor foodproduction, and helped FedEx develop a delivery truck thatis 50%more fuel-efficient. These achievements illustratehowEnvironmental Defense uses science, law, and economics tobringabout social reform for environmental protection.


  Guided by science, Environmental Defense evaluatesenvironmentalproblems and works to create and advocate solutionsthat winlasting political, economic and social support because theyarenonpartisan, cost-effective and fair.


  Environmental Defense believes that a sustainableenvironmentrequires economic and social systems that are equitableand just.The environmental centers pursued are the centers of allhumanbeings, regardless of race or class.


  Environmental Defense China Program


  In 1997, Environmental Defense launched a series ofenvironmentalprotection programs beginning with sulfur dioxideemissionstrading. Environmental Defense sought the adoption ofmarket-basedeconomic strategies in managing the environment and newways forboth environmental protection and economic development toflourish.Environmental Defense cooperated with government andresearchorganizations on studying emissions trading policiesandlegislations.


  In April 1999, during Premier Zhu Rongjis visit to theUnitedStates, Mr. Xie Zhenhua, Minister of SEPA, and Ms. CarolBrowner,Administrator of the USEPA, agreed to cooperate on Researchingthe feasibility of using market-based instruments toachieve sulfurdioxide reductions. In Septr 1999, EnvironmentalDefense signed anagreement with SEPA to research and complete pilotwork on totalemissions control (TEC) and emissions trading underthe frameworkof Sino-US cooperation. Benxi and Nantong wereselected as thefirst demonstration cities.


  In Septr 2001, the first sulfur dioxide emissions tradewassuccessfully completed in Nantong, Jiangsu Province.


  In March 2002, SEPA and Environmental Defense cooperatedinlaunching the 4+3+1 project, an endeavor to initiateanintegrated TEC and emissions trading policy in the provincesofShandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu and Henan and the cities ofShanghai,Tianjin and Liuzhou, along with the China Hua Neng Group.Each ofthe jurisdictions completed quota allocations, tradingregulationsand policy demonstrations.


  In Decr 2003, SEPA reviewed the report of the 4+3+1 project.InJune 2004, the pilot work of the 4 provinces and 3 cities, aswellas Hua Neng Group, was evaluated and approved by SEPA.


  In Novr 1999 and May 2004 respectively, EnvironmentalDefensepublished two books with accompanying electronic content:TotalEmissions Control and Emissions Trading and Acid RainControl inChina: Total Emissions Control and Emissions Trading.Inconjunction with China Environmental EducationCenter,Environmental Defense produced a TV series EmissionsTrading inChina , which was aired by China Central TelevisionStation inOctober 2004.


  In June 2004, based on joint policy research work inenvironmentalpolicy and planning, in conjunction with manydomestic organizationsand research institutions, EnvironmentalDefense co-organized ?theInternational Forum on RegionalEnvironmental Cooperation ? inHangzhou, which recommended breakingdown administrative barriersand pursuing regional environmentalcooperation. A declaration onsuch cooperation was endorsed byJiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.


  In Septr 2004, Dr. Daniel J. Dudek,chief economistofEnvironmental Defence was awarded the 褾riendship Award? thehighestaward given to foreigners by the Chinese government. OnSeptr 30th,2004, Premier Wen Jiabao met with all the honoredforeignexperts.


  In Decr 2004, a workshop on Sino-US environmental issues washeldin Beijing. The largest-ever number of experts fromEnvironmentalDefense exchanged ideas with Chinese experts. At thisevent, theChina Association for NGO Cooperation signed an MOUwithEnvironmental Defense. This great event signified thatcooperationbetween nongovernmental organizations in China and theUS hasreached a new border=1 Height.


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