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作者:anny  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2005/12/19 14:12:27  文章录入:anny  责任编辑:anny







1.         Shu W S, Ye ZH, Zhang ZQ, Lan CY, Wong MH. 2004. Natural colonization of plants on five lead/zinc mine tailings in Southern China. Restoration Ecology (accepted).

2.         Yang Q W, Shu W S, Qiu J W, Wang H B, Lan C Y. 2004. Lead in paddy soils and rice plants and its potential health risk around Lechang Lead/Zinc Mine, Guangdong, China. Environment International (accepted).

3.         Shu W S, Zhang Z Q and Wong M H. Fluoride and Aluminium Concentrations of Tea plants and Tea Products from Sichuan Province, PR China, Chemosphere2003, 52(9):1475-1482.

4.         Yang B, Shu WS, Ye ZH, Lan CY, Wong MH. 2003. Growth and heavy metal accumulation in Vetiver and two Sesbania species growing on lead/zinc mine tailings, Chemosphere, 2003, 52(9):1593-1600.

5.         束文圣,蓝崇钰,黄铭洪,张志权,采石场废弃地的早期植被与土壤种子库,生态学报200323(7):1305-1312

6.         束文圣,叶志鸿,张志权,黄铭洪,蓝崇钰,华南铅锌尾矿生态恢复的理论与实践,生态学报200323(8):1629-1639

7.         束文圣刘威,蓝崇钰。堇菜科植物一新种——宝山堇菜,中山大学学报(自然科学版),200342(3):118-119

8.         刘威束文圣,蓝崇钰。宝山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)——一种新的镉超富集植物,科学通报2003,48(19):2046-2049

9.         杨清伟, 束文圣, 林周, 林里, 邹慧林, 蓝崇钰. 2003. 铅锌矿废水重金属对土壤-水稻的复合污染及生态影响评价. 农业环境科学学报. 22(4): 385-390.

10.     Shu W S, Ye Z H, Zhang Z Q, Lan C Y and Wong M H. Lead, zinc and copper accumulation and tolerance in populations of Paspalum distichum and Cynodon dactylon, Environmental Pollution, 20021202445-453

11.     Shu W S, Xia H P, Zhang Z Q, Lan C Y and M H Wong. Use of vetiver and three other grasses for revegetation of Pb/Zn mine tailings: field experiment, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2002, 4(1):47-57

12.     束文圣,杨开颜,张志权,杨兵,蓝崇钰,湖北铜绿山古铜矿冶炼渣植被与优势植物的重金属含量研究,应用与环境生物学报,200171):7-12

13.     W. S. Shu, Z. H. Ye, C. Y. Lan, Z. Q. Zhang, M. H. Wong. Acidification of lead/zinc mine tailings and its effect on heavy metal mobility. Environment International 26(2000): 389-394.

14.P. Zhuang, Z.H. Ye, C.Y. Lan, Z.W. Xie & W.S. Shu. Chemically assisted phytoextraction of heavy metal contaminated soils using three plant species. Plant and Soil (2005) 276:153–162


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