研究领域(Research Area) 主要从事植被生态学和中国红树林的生物学、生态系统和经济利用,红树植物的引种栽培、红树林生态修复等生态工程,并进行红树药物资源筛选等工作. Our researches focus on the vegetation ecology, as well as the biology, ecosystem and economic utilization of mangroves in China. We engaged in ecological engineering of introducing mangrove plants and restoring mangrove vegetation. Additionally, we are screening the natural products which are useful for medicinal purpose from mangrove plants.
研究成果 主要研究成果已获奖17项,其中国家自然科学奖二等奖一项(集体奖)《中国植被》,国家科技进步奖三等奖一项(第一完成人)《中国红树林环境生态和利用》,教育部提名国家自然科学奖一等奖一项(第一完成人)《中国红树林生态系统研究》;此外,还获得教育部和福建省科技进步奖二等奖5项,三等奖9项(除两项集体奖,一项第二,一项第五完成人外,10项均为第一完成人).
代表性论著(Representative Publication)
1 Lin P. Mangrove Ecosystem in China (1997, in Chinese; 1999, in English), Science Press, Beijing, New York
2 Lin P, Fu Q. Environmental Ecology and Economic Utilization of Mangroves in China (1995, in Chinese; 2000, in English). CHEP Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
3 Lin P. Mangrove Vegetation (1984, in Chinese; 1988, in English) Beijing: China Ocean Press
4 林鹏. 红树林研究论文集,第一、二、三、四、五集(1990,1993,1999,2000,2002). 厦门:厦门大学出版社