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法式素食: 共享普罗旺斯焖菜 Vegi lover: Ratatouille
Eedu.org.cn 作者:佚名    文章来源:金小厨    点击数:    更新时间:2015/1/25


  Having shared quite a few recipies required oven, this is specially picked as a dish required nothing much more than a pan. Besides zucchini, other vegetables are all replacable depending on season and personal preference, try to choose those can be soften and easily absorb flavors. This dish uses 2 dry herbs which are not commonly used in Chinese cuisine -- dry origano & basil. The combination of these herbs with tomato and garlic provides the core flavor of this ratatouille. Dry herbs are quite cheap and a small bottle lasts for long time. They are be found in many supermarkets nowadays. This is one of my most frequently cooked dishes, not only because of its taste and nutrient value, but also how well it compliment many meat dishes (such as lamb rack). This is something you really have to try!

  原料/ Ingredients

  意大利西葫芦/ Zucchini

  一黄一绿/ 1 yellow, 1 green

  胡萝卜/ Carrot

  一根/ 1

  豆角/ Beans

  78/ 7-8

  紫洋葱/ Red onion

  一头/ 1

  罐装番茄/ Canned tomato

  一罐/ 1 can

  / Garlic

  3/ 3 cloves

  奥勒冈草/ Dry Origano

  少许/ Add to your taste

  罗勒/ Dry basil

  少许/ Add to your taste



  Step 1: Chop the beans in an angle; chop zucchini into 5mm thick pieces; chop carrots and onion as well.







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